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A New Jersey Traffic Attorney Discusses the Speed Contest Law

Participants and spectators of a speed contest may need a New Jersey traffic attorney to contest the charges. The penalties for involvement in a speed contest are very severe. The old days of drag racing in the street are long gone, and police officers and judges are not likely to be very lenient when danger to the public is involved.

A New Jersey Traffic Ticket Lawyer Provides a Speed Contest Overview

A New Jersey traffic lawyer can explain to you that an illegal speed contest in the state involves any type of exhibition of speed on a public roadway. This can include activities such as:

  • Cars racing against each other
  • Cars racing against a clock
  • Any other exhibition of speed on a public roadway that threatens members of the public

Frequently a New Jersey traffic attorney will deal harshly with speed contest suspects. You are likely to be taken immediately to jail and booked. In some instances what began as a bit of fun between friends can lead to time behind bars and significant fines. It is not uncommon for those convicted of speed contest to lose their licenses and/or insurance. If you believe that you have been wrongly accused of participating in a speed contest, you will want to contact an attorney.

A New Jersey Traffic Ticket Attorney on Spectators of a Speed Race

Even if you do not race yourself, you could still violate state speed contest law if you are an onlooker. A New Jersey traffic attorney can tell you that spectators typically include:

  • Individuals who watch the speed contest
  • Those who are present during the contest
  • People who help prepare or aid the race

There may be other situations where someone may be charged with being a spectator of a speed contest and you may want talk to a New Jersey traffic attorney regarding any specific charges.

Contact a New Jersey Traffic Lawyer

If you have a question about a speed contest charge, contact a New Jersey traffic attorney.
The penalties for speed contests can be severe for both participants and onlookers of the race. An attorney will tell you that someone convicted of the crime may face license suspensions, monetary fines, and even imprisonment. For assistance with your case, contact Clark Law Firm, P.C. by calling 877-841-8855.


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