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Call a NJ Nursing Home Attorney If Your Loved One Is Being Neglected

Neglect of residents is a serious problem in nursing facilities today. Staff members in nursing homes are often woefully inadequate in numbers or overworked, the result of which is that the individualized care necessary for residents tends to fall by the wayside. However, there is no excuse for neglect of those who cannot care for themselves, and if you believe a loved one is being neglected, you need to speak with a NJ nursing home lawyer right away.

A NJ Nursing Home Attorney Discusses How Neglect Is Easily Overlooked

Most people who place loved ones in nursing facilities do so only as a last resort and with the hope that the care will be adequate. Unfortunately, it is a general truth that most elderly individuals who are placed in nursing homes remain there, diminishing in health, until they die. Signs of neglect may be mistaken by visitors as simply failing health. A NJ nursing home lawyer will attest that you should pay close attention to any changes in physical appearance, hygiene and emotions of your loved one and seek to determine whether neglect is occurring.

Your NJ nursing home lawyer can tell you that staff members sometimes are not even aware that a resident is being neglected. A caregiver may come on his or her shift believing that certain matters have been attended to when in fact this is not the case.

A NJ Nursing Home Lawyer on Different Forms of Neglect

Your NJ nursing home lawyer will caution you to keep in mind that neglect takes many forms, from failure to provide medication and other medical treatment, hygiene, basic needs and emotional support. These are outlined below:

  • Medical Needs. Residents need their medication administered in a timely way and in the correct doses. Nurses should monitor each individual to ensure that his medical needs are being met. Caregivers should turn bedridden residents regularly to prevent bed sores and other maladies. Physical exercise should be provided as well as swift treatment of any problem such as a cut or bruise.

  • Personal Hygiene. Many residents of nursing homes cannot care for their own personal hygiene needs and must rely on staff for assistance. Personal hygiene includes bathing, clean laundry, grooming, oral hygiene, etc. A visitor is likely to be able to tell fairly readily if personal hygiene needs are not being met.

  • Basic Needs. Staff may not be providing adequate nourishment and other needs to your loved one, so be vigilant. Make note of any significant change in weight or physical appearance.

  • Emotional Needs. Your NJ nursing home lawyer will tell you that one of the most common types of neglect is that for the emotional needs of residents. One should not assume, for instance, that just because a loved one is among dozens of others they are getting their emotional needs met. Depression is common among nursing home residents. All humans need human contact, enjoyable activities, etc.

Contact a NJ Nursing Home Attorney for Legal Assistance Today

If you believe a loved one in a nursing home is being neglected, speak with a NJ nursing home lawyer right away. Call the Clark Law Firm, PC today to arrange a consultation at 877-841-8855.

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