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Da Vinci Surgical System

A medical device known as the da Vinci® Surgical System has recently been linked to litigation regarding potential product defects.  The device in question utilizes robotic technology to perform numerous types of surgeries, including hysterectomies, prostate surgeries and gastric surgeries.  The manufacturer and distributor, Intuitive Surgical®, is the primary provider of robotic technologies related to human surgical proceedings today.

These surgeries are typically desirable because they involve minimal invasiveness and as a result, shorter hospital stays, quicker recoveries and less blood loss during surgery.  Although the use of robotics in minimally invasive surgeries is extremely costly for hospitals, the company argues that the benefits of a diminished number of hospital stays make the costs worthwhile.  As a result, the profit margins for Intuitive Surgical® have also skyrocketed as of late, with the company earning nearly $2.2 billion in revenue last year alone.

Regardless of the benefits and this success, however, recent reports have linked Intuitive Surgical® to several adverse side effects allegedly caused by their products, specifically the da Vinci® Surgical System.  Recently, the company has reached out to customers to advise that certain versions of their device may develop microscopic cracks that can result in such injuries as surgical burns to arteries and organs, punctured organs, bowel injuries, excessive bleeding and even death.  Injuries of this nature can potentially lead to a number of other serious internal complications, including sepsis.

The Clark Law Firm, PC does not stand for potentially unsafe products that harm the public and neither should you.  If you or a loved one has been injured or suffered adverse side effects following a recent surgery in which a da Vinci® device was used, contact the experienced products liability attorneys at the Clark Law Firm, PC and stand up for your rights.  Our personal injury lawyers are here to offer you a free consultation.  Act now and contact the Clark Law Firm, PC today.

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