How Adjusters Approach Medical Records, Documentation
Adjusters are trained to be skeptical of claims and will typically seek any information that can be used to lower the value of yours. You must be represented by a seasoned New Jersey personal injury attorney who knows how to dispel their suspicions with facts.
Connection between the Medical Records and Claimant’s Treatment
Adjusters will be on alert if your New Jersey personal injury attorney submits medical bills without any supporting medical reports. These reports are necessary to corroborate the diagnosis and treatment given as well as future prognosis.
Comprehensive Records and Supporting Documentation
Adjusters do not operate on the honor system. Their personal opinion of you as a trustworthy person is not nearly as important as their objective to scrutinize every aspect of your claim. Any settlement demand not presented with supporting documentation raises an instant red flag to the adjuster that there might be other areas of the claim which are weak or manipulated.
Your New Jersey personal injury attorney should ensure that any outline of expenses in a cover letter or settlement notebook binder to be given to an adjuster includes a copy of that bill in the corroborating documentation. Most adjusters will look for this copy.
An adjuster will also become suspicious of fill-in-the-blanks medical reports and generic medical reports apparently created by a word processor, where the only difference is the patient’s name. Adjusters are used to seeing repetitive medical reports from the same doctors and will develop a “book” or an opinion on particular doctors and their medical practices. They will be skeptical of any claims in which such doctors are the claimant’s treating physicians.
Lost Wage Documentation
If you missed time from work due to injuries you suffered in an accident, Your New Jersey personal injury attorney must obtain:
- A written statement from your employer confirming that you were absent.
- Documentation of your lost wages.
You can count on New Jersey personal injury attorney Gerald H. Clark to learn all aspects of your personal injury case to develop a well-planned strategy for success. Call the Clark Law Firm today at 1-877-841-8855 for a free initial consultation.