Tainted Lettuce Leads to Massive Recall
New Jersey For Poisioning Attorneys
Recently, Dole Food Company has been forced to recall nearly 800 bags of lettuce in 15 states due to fear of salmonella contamination. The tainted product was distributed throughout the United States and has been recalled in states such as New York, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Maryland, Florida, and Ohio.
Although no illnesses have been reported at this point, salmonella poisoning is a severe illness, and can be a life threatening disease for certain individuals, specifically infants, the elderly, pregnant women, and people with weakened immune systems. Common symptoms of salmonella poisoning include diarrhea, abdominal cramps, fever, nausea and vomiting, usually appearing within three days of consuming the tainted product.
The product, Dole Seven Lettuces salad, is marked with a use by April 11, 2012 date, and Product Codes of 0577N089112A or 0577N089112B, both of which can be found in the upper right corner of the package. The lettuce is also identified by the UPC code 71430 01057, located on the back of the package below the bar code.
If you’ve been affected by this product, one of the experienced trial attorneys from the Clark Law Firm, PC may be able to help. When food handling safety rules are not followed, consumers are needlessly placed at risk. We don’t let major companies get away with introducing harmful products into the marketplace; into your community’s grocery stores; or onto your kitchen table, and you shouldn’t either. If you or a loved one has been harmed by Dole Food Company’s failure to keep their consumers safe, contact the experienced personal injury attorneys at Clark Law Firm, PC today, and get the compensation that you deserve.