Surveillance Cases: What Claims Adjusters Look For
Nanosecond attorney letter. The letter of representation from the claimant’s personal injury attorney is dated the same as the injury date. Some letters even predate the accident date. A New Jersey personal injury attorney should be well aware that claims adjusters are quite suspicious of people who are “claims conscious.” An adjusters’ fraud detector is often activated if they see a claimant who is swift to get counsel.
Union demand. When an adjuster receives immediate contact from a claimant’s union representative demanding to know if the claim has been accepted or not, he or she will be suspicious of premeditation, or at the least, overanxious propensities by the claimant.
Greenback poultice. The claimant exhibits a limp while coming in to get his or her compensation check, but walks normally leaving the office. The deal may be sealed if the claimant jumps nimbly into his or her convertible sports car.
M.I.A. When the adjuster phones during the daytime hours, the claimant is never home. A New Jersey personal injury attorney may advise you that if this happens, the adjuster may wonder, “If the claimant is disabled, why is he never home, especially if he claims to be laid up as a result of his disability?”
Couch potato. In this situation, the claimant is home when the adjuster calls, but he cannot take the call because he is watching daytime television.
Exaggeration. If a claimant’s disability and complaints seem disproportionate to prior injuries of the same type, suspicion may be aroused.
Dr. Whiplash. The attending doctor the claimant has chosen is known as exceedingly pro-plaintiff. In addition, the doctor randomly appears as the treating physician for claimants, who for some odd reason happen to be represented by a specific personal-injury law firm.
Big Case. An enormous amount of money is involved in the case due to a wage-loss/wage-earning capacity claim.
Deep-throat. A coworker, supervisor, or ex-wife seeking late alimony payments often send adjusters anonymous (or even not-so-anonymous) tips hinting that the “disabled” claimant is working at another job (or his golf swing).
Gut-feeling test. Also known as the “smell test” or “stink test,” it kicks in when an adjuster’s “sixth sense” hints that something isn’t quite right.
Saccharine test. While it is often true that an aggressive or hostile claimant comes under suspicion, the exceedingly sweet claimant can also be a candidate for surveillance.
Contact Us
If you have a claim you would like to discuss with an experienced and knowledgeable New Jersey personal injury attorney, please call the experienced trial attorneys at the Clark Law Firm, 877-841-8855.