ASR Hip Implants
I am one of several people I know with a failed ASR hip implant. What is the best course of action?
If you are one of the tens of thousands victims of an Articular Surface Replacement hip implant, you are not alone. As your NJ personal injury lawyer will explain, the ASR hip implant may cause severe, even sometimes fatal, side effects for a high percentage of patients and is the recent basis for a 10-figure settlement by manufacturer Johnson and Johnson.
Your NJ personal injury lawyer will also explain that a 2011 internal memo allegedly circulated by Johnson and Johnson, through its DePuy Orthopaedics division, revealed that up to 40 percent of ASR implant patients may experience a device failure within the first few years of use – essentially warning the company to expect significant litigation in the future. Unfortunately for Johnson and Johnson, the time for that litigation is now. If you are a victim of this hazardous medical device and would like to speak to a knowledgeable NJ personal injury lawyer, we encourage you to call the Clark Law Firm, PC today.
As a NJ personal injury attorney, what is the most common complaint you hear from ASR plaintiffs?
As a NJ personal injury lawyer, the most common complaint we hear from ASR implant clients involves severe burning and pain in the implant site, which patients eventually realize is usually from dangerous friction between the ball and socket of the implant device. We also hear of patients experiencing severe blood conditions and abnormal blood work due to an increased amount of metal fragments and debris. Lastly, as a NJ personal injury lawyer, we hear of clients complaining of tissue and bone necropsy in the implant site, often giving rise to the need for painful corrective surgery.
What is the best course of action following a diagnosis of a defective ASR hip device?
Of course, your NJ personal injury attorney will advise you to seek proper, thorough medical care right away to treat your condition. From there, you are encouraged to meet with a NJ personal injury lawyer at the Clark Law Firm, PC to go over the details of your claim. The best way to prepare for your meeting with a NJ personal injury attorney is to bring invoices and documentation of your medical expenses following the deterioration of your ASR hip implant. As well, if you were left unable to return to your job, you may have a claim for lost wages as well.
Contact a reputable NJ personal injury lawyer today
The Clark Law Firm, PC is one of the best resources for discussing your ASR hip implant malfunction. To make an appointment, call 877-841-8855.